20 years after leaving college, I decided that it was time to return and brush up on some rusty skills. I had really enjoyed school way back when but the thought of hitting the books again as an adult with …
Category Archives: Individualized Tutoring
Who is responsible for getting Gen Y-ers “Day 1 Productive”?
New graduates are often technically capable but at a social and cultural disadvantage in the workplace – they don’t understand how the company works, why it works as it does, and what has happened in the past that created current …
Winter Break Activities for Teenagers
It seems odd to have the words vacation and education in the same sentence. For teenagers, March Break is seen as a time to relax, hang out with friends, and forget about learning. On the other hand, parents struggle to …
Helping Generation Y Make the Transition
Last week, a 23 year old student asked me who was responsible for helping him be productive his first day on the job after graduation – his school, his employer or some other coach/mentor? Many have noted Generation Y’s – …
Does my Child Need Tutoring?
Sometimes it is assumed that you’ll “know” if your child needs tutoring – that there will be a clear indicator to give parents and students the push to seek outside help. Of course, for some students, there are clear signs, …