Author Archives: smoitra

Paul Rosen’s Story: From Bringing Home the Gold to Bringing Home the Grade

In this video blog, Paralympic sledge hockey gold medalist Paul Rosen tells his story of loss, recovery and triumph. From losing his leg as a result of a hockey injury, to joining Canada’s sledge hockey team at 40, to a …

A Look in the Mirror

Paralympic sledge hockey gold medalist Paul Rosen shares what keeps him motivated in his journey towards literacy at 50 years old. Share: Share on Facebook Buzz it up Share via MySpace Tweet about it Tell a friend by email

Paul Rosen – The Initial Assessment

Each new enrolment at Grade Learning begins with an Initial Assessment. The assessment is a vital first step in creating an academic program that suits the new student’s needs and goals. Paralympic sledge hockey gold medalist Paul Rosen came to …

Going ‘Back to School’ Means Different Things for Different People

When you stop to think about it, there really is no ‘one way’ to get back into learning and get a good education, building the skills you need to advance personally or professionally. Succeeding in reaching unique goals often demands …

Paul Rosen Goes for the Grade

We’re proud to introduce our new student, Paul Rosen – 50, retired three-time Canadian Paralympian, sledge hockey gold medalist, motivational speaker and recent recipient of the prestigious March of Dimes Rick Hansen Award of Excellence. After a life-altering hockey injury …

Welcome to what’s next: Introducing Grade Learning

All of us have those moments in life – the moments in which we experience the uncertainty of wondering what’s next. This blog is a resource for you as you navigate what’s next for your education or your career. Formerly …